Patagonia - Argentina (2019)
In my life, I have hiked and backpacked more miles than I can count. Some of the places include:
Adirondacks * Algonquin Wilderness, Canada * Sierra Nevada
John Muir Trail * Philmont, New Mexico * France * Caribbean
Dolomites, Italy * Switzerland * Patagonia, Chile/Argentina
James Gibson
I began hiking at an early age when living in Hawaii and California, then went east to college, where I was introduced to backpacking in all seasons and conditions in the Adirondacks and eastern Canada. I began backpacking the Sierra Nevada in my early twenties, and it is still my “go to” place, even after thousands of miles on trails all over the world. Intense photographic training in my teen years has served me well, and I hope you enjoy some of my photographs.
Today, almost all my hiking and backpacking is done solo, but during almost fifteen years as a Scout Leader and BSA High Adventure Leader, I led many treks and worked with countless Scouts and wonderful adults, including a memorable trek to Philmont in New Mexico.
After thirty-one years of marriage, I made a clean break and “blew up my life,” which is what led me to take a solo journey down the entire John Muir Trail, a classic “return to nature” effort to put myself back together physically, mentally, and spiritually. I had planned on completing this iconic trail in one trek, but forest fires, injuries, and record snow forced me to do it in segments, ending on the summit of Mt. Whitney on August 16, 2019.
Just a Long Walk is the memoir of my life-changing journey to and down the John Muir Trail. Pick up a copy of the book to share my personal experiences, tales from folks I met in the wilderness, the history of the Sierra, forest fires, a mountain lion encounter, and much more.
Available now wherever you buy books.